
PB Agrifood has been supplying Non-GMO Australian soybeans to our company since 2000. This relationship was established as our company was looking for premium quality Non-GMO soybeans. The introduction of Non-GMO soybeans from Queensland to our company has been advantageous for their products and customers.
Our company acknowledges the importance of the supply chain from the Australian farmer to their factories. The supply of Non-GMO soybeans to our company has increased from 215mt in 2000 to 2000mt in 2013. Our company is a very loyal customer to PB Agrifood for our soybean products. We wish to continue this strong relationship for years to come and are researching the possibility of supplying their food products.
Company name withheld (commercial in confidence), Taiwan

Over 40 years ago Ross & Elaine Hardy started to transport product for PB Agrifood. Even back in those years Ross Hardy was more than impressed with the professional yet friendly and efficient attitude of the “can do” people at PB Agrifood. You were and still are more than a transport company to PBA. They treat all as if they were one of the PBA family. Ross Hardy often tells his staff that the relationship formed all those years ago has been part of the Hardys Haulage success. Ross also laments that he has used the PBA philosophies as part of his own over the years. The team at PBA always treat all the Hardys employees with professional courtesy and respect.
PB Agrifood are renowned for their ethical business practices. Any issue is dealt head on with safety and fairness being at the forefront of any outcome. Over the years this ethical approach to business has been part of the PBA success story. It allows all involved from growers, suppliers, and others to benefit form dealing with the industry leader that is PB Agrifood. Their broad based knowledge of all aspects of agriculture allows for all areas of agriculture to trust in the supply of PBA seeds as well as the comfort when selling the end product back to them.
You can rest assured that when dealing with PBA that their financial security allows ease of mind. In this ever changing world where companies come and go PBA have been here for the long term benefit of all those in the food chain. With a set Management team that has progressed through the ranks of PBA it is a great comfort to have been dealing with the same team for many years. It really does give for peace of mind.
Hardys Haulage are proud to be a carrier for PBA and they are a major client whom the companies transport 52 weeks of the year for. Their attention to detail allows for Hardys Haulage to manage their fleet for fatigue, maintenance, and mass in a compliant manner always. PBA are a partner with Hardys in all aspects of the COR and do all in their power to assist the company when issues arise. PBA never expect the impossible or ask for it.
Overall PB Agrifood are a blue chip company that Hardys Haulage are very proud to transport both their raw materials into their facilities as well as the finished product from their facilities. Hardys look forward to many more years servicing the transport needs of PBA and continuing to grow the relationship.
Nigel Bailey
Operations Manager, Hardy's Haulage